
Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Mission Accomplished!!

The Family Crest Quilts are Finished!!
With time to spare!!

I really thought I would be finishing these
on the trip up to our
Family reunion,
but they are done with over a week to spare!

It is a Gorgeous day here today!
No humidity and lots of sunshine.

These were certainly a labor of love!

I learned a couple of things while making these four quilts....
~ I do not enjoy machine applique.... at all~
~ I will never chose to make four of the exact same quilt again~
~It's amazing what can get accomplished when one puts her mind to it!~

The labels need to be added to these quilts and then they will
be given to my nephews at our family reunion.

There is one more quilt to finish before heading north to this reunion.

Do you remember "Hot Hot Hot?"
This one will be quilted and bound by the end of the weekend.

Enjoy this day!
Happy Quilting!!


  1. Did you eat or sleep during this process? How on earth did you do it!? Amazing!

  2. Wow, congrats on the finishes! Your family members are so lucky to all be receiving the quilts. What fun.

  3. They are gorgeous. The boys will love them. Another reminder of a great man.

  4. I hope you can get some rest now that you have these finished. I hope you will share pictures of their expressions when they are delivered.

  5. OMG Ramona!!! You did such a wonderful job and I can see that they definitely were NOT easy quilts to make. I hate making the same quilt twice too - I can't imagine making four!! Great job and well done!!!

  6. You have been so busy, the pressure of finishing all these wonderful quilts. So glad you got them done before your reunion, go have a lot of fun. I am sure your quilts will be cherished for many, many years by the receivers.
