
Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hot Finish!

Yesterday I put the final stitches in
"Hot Hot Hot."

I love this quilt!
It's wild and bright and fun and colorful!

It surprises me at how much I like this one.

The zebra prints, the polka dot border...
so much fun!

This is the final quilt I had to make for this
HUGE plan that hatched back in January.

My side of the family is having a family reunion beginning next week.
I have 11 nieces and nephews and I decided to make them each a quilt.
Doing this was going to make me practice and, hopefully,
improve upon some of my not so great quilting skills.

The quilts are finished and I did learn some things in this
creative process.

Here is the stack ready to be packed up for the trip north.

Looking at the binding side is fun, too!

A peek at the quilts in the stack...

I'm looking forward to playing Santa Quilter next week.
The six hearts in the upper corner are for my siblings, my mom and me.
For the last four years I have made a little patriotic quilt for all of us.
I had to continue with that tradition!!

Onto the next project!!

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are creating.

Happy Quilting!!


  1. Very lucky nieces and nephews! I love your pink zebra quilt.

  2. You are one super aunt! Please get pictures showing their appreciation.

  3. They are all so awesome and I love the quilting on the Hot, Hot, Hot one! It really enhances the design. What lucky family members. Have fun at your reunion!

  4. You did an awesome job and I am sure your skills have improved greatly over the course of your work.

  5. What a wonderful collection of quilts. I'm sure you will be very popular!


  6. Wow, those are wonderful. Have fun delivering them.

  7. I sure hope your nieces and nephews appreciate your quilts. They are fabulous. I'm so impressed that you didn't do just 4 patches. And the apple tree one! Wonderful. That quilt always talks to me. Enjoy your trip.

  8. You are such a wonderful aunt and Superwoman to boot! Those are all wonderful gifts and I hope they will be much appreciated. What a wonderful surprise for the family reunion. Christmas comes early in your family.

  9. Congrats you busy lady you on getting all of those done in time!! They will be loved I am sure :-)

  10. Family reunion? Are we related? My reunion is this weekend, thought I might be getting one of those beauties!
    Have a great time! L

  11. Amazing quilts! So many, so quickly!...and all so different...all beautiful, but my favorites are the golden hued checkerboard quilt and the crabapple tree quilt.
    You will be the favorite aunt for a long,long time.

  12. Santa quilter what an awesome job!! How special is that, each niece and nephew get a quilt. This is one family reunion they will remember. That hot pink quilt is my favorite. Love how you quilted it.

  13. What fantastic quilts, your family are so lucky.. and love your socks too. I love knitting socks and my DH has enough to wear a different pair for a week, must knit him some more!

  14. OMG Raomona! I am doing the exact same thing!!! Last year 3 of my nieces kind of ambushed me and starting begging for quilts. I was telling hubby about it on the way home and before the 10 minute ride was over, I had hatched the Niece the time there were 11 nieces and great nieces, now there are 13. Also 3 young great nephews that I can't leave out. I have 4 little quilts to finish before next Saturday where they will be delivered at the family reunion. It's been a hard secret to keep all year long!!! But what fun it has been and I can't wait for my surprises to be revealed.
