
Friday, February 13, 2015

Knitting Again!!

I decided it was time to try knitting again
and here I am!
(I found that knitting was REALLY bothering my shoulder and arm...
I move my left arm too much and slouch too much when I knit.)

So, I decided to work on something with big needles,
anchored my left arm between me and the arm of the couch,
and it's working.
My shoulder isn't any worse.

Here is what I have been working on lately....

and it's so easy to knit.

I've never knitted with recycled Sari silk before
and it's very different. 
There are lumps and bumps
and fat parts and thin parts,
and knots and threads,
but the colors are gorgeous.

I'm thrilled to be knitting again and
hopefully I will be able to move back to socks soon.

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are creating.

Happy Friday!


  1. that yarn looks delicious wish I could feel it. are you a thrower or a picker when you knit. A thrower throws the yarn over the needles with the right hand, a picker picks the yarn with the needle from the left finger. My Swedish exchange student taught me to pick and I knit so much faster with much less movement. It was like learning to knit all over again, really awkward. stay warm ann

  2. Lovely colors. You are brave to try working with the silk yarn.

  3. Beautiful colors. welcome back to the world of lovely yarn.

  4. This looks so luscious. Take care of your shoulder. I have discovered when my right shoulder gets bothering me to slather it up with some stinky icy hot and then put a warm rice pack on it. I was surprised at how much relief came from that combo. Hope you are back to sock knitting again soon.

  5. That is the prettiest yarn ever. Thanks for the link to the pattern. I bookmarked it in case I come across some of that interesting yarn.

  6. That's wonderful that you figured out how to know around your hurt shoulder Ramona! And that yarn is gorgeous... It must be quite a challenge, but those colors...Mwah!

  7. My post got auto corrected. It should say how to "knit", not "know".

  8. Love that colorful Sari yarn. Your shawl is going to be beautiful. Happy Valentine's Day!

  9. OOooooooo - I love that yarn Ramona!!! That is going to be one very gorgeous shawl!!! So glad you have figured out a way to allow you to knit again. It's such a relaxing craft :)
