
Saturday, January 31, 2015

350 Blocks Project~ January

I joined the
for 2015 thinking it would be fun to see how many
Blocks I make in a year.
This is also a great motivating project!

Here are the blocks I made in January...

First, I added 24 Blocks to this quilt to make it bigger.

Next, I finished making the blocks for my
"Connect the Dots" quilt, adding another 24 to my total.
(Thank you Lea Anne for the name of my quilt!)

This week I pulled out my Batik scraps and made 36 blocks using HST's.
(More of this quilt will be shown on Monday.)

And finally, I made two wool applique blocks last night for another project.

My total number of blocks made for January is 86!!
I would love for all months to be this productive! 

Happy Quilting!!


  1. I would love for all my months to be that productive! Your wool applique is beautiful.

  2. 86! That is awesome. I love the Orange 9 patch.

  3. I can't wait to see those batik blocks!
