
Monday, June 23, 2014

Fat and Happy Frogs...

The Frogs are finished!
They are full of rice
all trimmed up.

These guys are ready to be heated in the microwave
and placed on achy muscles.

Aren't they cute??
I microwaved all of the buttons before
placing them on the frogs,
to make sure they are microwave safe.

It took 35 pounds of rice to fill these guys!


I do have another table runner on my
Design Wall.
I kept sewing and sewing and ended up with a 
Really long runner!
It will get trimmed and quilted soon.

Visit Patchwork Times to see what others have on
their design walls.

Happy Quilting!


  1. Love the frogs! and your knitted sweater <3

  2. I like your table runner. And, really cute rice holders with 35 pounds of it!
