
Friday, May 30, 2014

Knitting Friday

This week I made a little progress on my Sweater.

I was busy working on another non-sewing, non-knitting
project that I can't show right now and this took up
A lot of my free time!

Here is what I was able to get knitted this week:

I have 2 1/2 more rows to knit and the back is done.

This yarn is just so much fun to knit!

Here is the sweater pattern I am using.

I did have to start a mindless, take with me knitting project.
There were several times this past week that required my 
sitting in a doctor's office or somewhere else, waiting....


Out came a skein of the Kroy sock yarn and another
a pair of socks was started.
I can't wait until I get to that pop of orange and yellow
in the skein!

On another blog (sorry... can't remember which one!),
 a knitter had randomly purled rows in the
plain vanilla sock.  I decided to try this and am liking how
it looks!

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are knitting.

Happy Friday!


  1. Oh that sweater! It is amazing and gorgeous. I think this might scare me as much as cables do. :)
    LOVE the sock yarn and the purl row sure changes up the plain socks.

  2. You are really making great progress! It's going to be beautiful. Nice socks, too; hurrah for "mindless" knitting!

  3. I just LOVE how your sweater is coming! So, so pretty.......

  4. The sweater is awesome. Keep it up...

  5. Your sweater is beautiful. Not a beginner pattern I'm sure. I also love the color of yarn of your new socks. I am going to have to check out that yarn one of these days.

  6. Wow - love the effect of the design and colors in yoru sweater - nice job! I love Kroy sock yarn - I'm going to have to try that colorway. I now have several colors in my stash waiting to be knitted up :) Cute pattern with the random purl stitch.
