
Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday knitting

Thanks to going to two baseball games this past week,
I have a finished pair of socks!

My striped socks are DONE!

I do like this yarn and will use it again.
(Paton Kroy Sock yarn.)

A while ago I had started another pair of socks
and didn't get too far.
I've picked this pair up again and was able
to make a little progress on this one.

This yarn is nice to work with and is very soft.

The brown yarn is where my
Afterthought Heel will go once the body is knitted.

Last week Paula, the Quilter  suggested I try
making the Sweet Tomato Heel in my socks.
She sent me to a YouTube video and these heels
look like fun!
Has anyone else tried making this heel?
I have not knitted a sock from the toe up,
but will have to try so I can make this heel.

Visit Patchwork Times to see what others are knitting!

Happy Friday!


  1. LOVE the striped socks. I'll have to find that yarn to add to my collection. :)
    I am going to check out these heel methods. Never hurts to learn new things, right!?!

  2. Wow, always exciting to finish a PAIR! Love both yarns, they are lovely.

  3. Your socks are so lovely! I particularly like the striping in the second pair. They would look nice with a pair of jeans or a jumper.

  4. C'est génial toutes ces belles chaussettes,cela donne bien envie!
    Doux week end

  5. I haven't tried the Sweet Tomato Heel either, but I'll put it on my list to try :) Love your finished socks - I want to wear them!!!
