
Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 It feels like it has been YEARS since I have sewn anything.
I got through the shakes a few weeks ago,
which was tough.  :)
The move went well... it happened about 2 1/2 weeks ago.
Most of the boxes that can be unpacked have been unpacked.
The problem is we need to have cabinets built in several different places.
One of these places is my hidey hole.
Right now there is nothing in there to store all of my quilting
treasures.  I had to leave my cabinets in the old hidey hole
because they were built into the room.
I was over there yesterday and walked into my old room
and sighed.  I really miss that room.
Right now this is my hidey hole...
Hopefully it will be ready for action in a few months.
The cabinet maker is super busy
and has a waiting list.

The other day I wanted to start cutting out a quilt
that I purchased the fabric for a while ago.
I found the fabric, but cannot find the 60 degree ruler I need.  
I'm not purchasing another one because I already have at least two.
Hopefully I'll find one soon.
I also have 5 quilts to trim and bind.
(They were sent to my LAQ before we moved to get
them out of the house.  She worked very quickly
and got them back to me right after the move.)
Do you know where the fabric is for the binding for these?
Yea.. neither do I.
As my mom always says,
"This too shall pass."

In the meantime, I am handquilting this quilt top that
my great grandmother made.
I started working on this a long, long time ago.
Unfortunately I do not enjoy hand quilting
and am not very good at it.
Plus I am very slow.
At least it's giving me something to do with my hands
and maybe I'll actually finish it!
Happy Quilting!!