
Sunday, November 29, 2015

A November Finish!!

I have a finished quilt to share this month!

My sewing machine has been busy the last couple of days
and I am so happy.

AND a Christmas gift is checked off of my list.

My goddaughter asked me for a table topper for Christmas.
She has a new antique kitchen table and wanted something
bright to put on it.

Bright I can do!

Following this tutorial,
I used a charm pack of bright batiks
 and also cut 5" squares
of the turquoise and pastel swirl batiks
and began piecing.

I used straight pins to baste the "windows" to the base
and this made the quilting so much easier.

It surprised me at how easy it was to stitch the bias edges
over the windows to make the design.
I sometimes put one pin in the bottom of the curve
and just kept stitching and moving around the quilt.
Quilt as you go projects are wonderful!

The finished table topper!
This went together so quickly and really is striking.

This is such a fun pattern to make.
I see more of these in my future!

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are creating.

Happy Quilting!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Sewing Soon...

I don't think I have ever gone this long without
creating something in my Hidey Hole.
My shoulder has been injected again
and will hopefully behave itself so I can sew.

In preparation,
I have begun laying a project out on my 
Design Wall.

This is going to be a Cathedral Window
quilt as I go project.

I just love these fabrics.
The "window" fabric has so much movement
and beautiful swirling colors.

These fabrics sure brighten up my Design Wall!

I'm itching to get sewing again!

Happy Quilting!!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Amish Style Quilts

The History of Quilting club I belong to just finished a session on
Amish Quilting.
Amish quilts have always interested me.
The simplicity and starkness of the style are beautiful.

For this session we were asked to make an
Amish style quilt measuring no more than 24".
Let me just say,
I have a new appreciation for those who make Amish quilts.

Working with dark solid fabrics was a lot more difficult than I imagined,
especially when it came to the quilting.

We had our "reveal" today of the quilts we made and they were all
(Once again I didn't get pictures of all of the quilts!)
It was so neat to see the colors and designs we all chose.
No two were alike... even a little!

I will confess that I made two, but no one will see the first one
unless I rip out some of the quilting and do it again.
Solid fabrics show Every Single Stitch!!
There is no hiding mediocre quilting.

a second quilt was made and I hand quilted this one.
I learned that I need to do more hand quilting!
It leaves a bit to be desired.

 The pink isn't as bright as the picture shows,
but it does give a pop of color.
One challenge for me was to put colors together
that don't "match" in my book,
but it works here.

I really enjoy making nine patches
and love this design.

I don't see myself making too many Amish style quilts,
but I did learn a lot while making this one.

The best part of today was the quilt exchange.
We drew names to see whose quilt we would get to bring home.
I would have been thrilled with any of the quilts made by
this talented group of women.

This is my new treasure.

 (This quilt is square... It's the photographer who is crooked!)

This was pieced and hand quilted by Diane.
Isn't it gorgeous?

It's "Amish Modern" to me and
perfect for me with all of the bright colors!

Her hand quilting is wonderful and
I just love her design, too.

It will be exciting to begin our next session of History Club in January.
Linda, our leader, is planning a mystery!
Hopefully solid fabrics won't be needed. 

Happy Quilting!!

Friday, November 13, 2015

Not a Knitting Blog!

Sewing and quilting have come to a 
screeching halt at my house.
My shoulder is aggravated again,
enough that I'm having an injection on Monday.
I come in my Hidey Hole
and just look at all that I want to be working on,
but it's too painful. 

Knitting, however, doesn't bother me.
I first thought that was the cause of my shoulder pain,
but found that it's the sewing.

I decided to begin knitting another sweater
and have chosen an easier pattern then 
At least I think it will be easier.

Here is what I have done so far...

This will be a cardigan made from this pattern

It's hard to see anything but the color of the yarn at this point,
but I'll keep plugging away at it.

You know I always have a sock or two going as well.
 Here is my latest...

This is a new  yarn to me and is knitting up nicely.
The purple and blues in with the oranges
really give it a pretty stripe.

Hopefully there will be more quilty things on here soon!

Have a great weekend everyone.

Happy Friday!


Monday, November 9, 2015

A little sewing...

Except when I've been out of town,
it's been a long time since I have done so
little sewing.

I'm continuing to work on this secret project
and I'm not having the best of time making it.
It's coming together and will be finished soon.

This week I did pull these blocks out and have
half of them sewn together.

I love the pinwheels within the bars in this design.
In making these blocks, I made a HUGE error
and had to do A LOT of ripping.
It's all better now!

Hopefully the rest of these blocks will be sewn
together in the next few days.

These fabrics are
Minick and Simpson's new line.
I don't usually purchase fabric lines,
but love their fabrics and am a sucker for
Polka Dots and Paisley!

Please visit Patchwork Times to see what others are creating.

Happy quilting!

Friday, November 6, 2015

No Quilting To Show...

I have been working on a small quilt project,
but can't show it quite yet.
It's a secret and one I hope to have finished soon!

I do have a complete knitting finish though!
My very first sweater is completed....
buttons and all...

I wanted some fancy ceramic buttons,
but saw these plain brushed silver buttons
and knew they would look nice on the sweater.

It's finished just in time for cooler weather!

I ordered yarn to knit another sweater and am hoping
this next sweater is a bit easier and won't take
a year and a half!

Another sock is finished and it's mate is half done.

 This yarn is wonderful to knit.

I need to knit the short row heel and then will finish the foot.

Hopefully soon I will have more quiltiness to show here!

Please visit Patchwork Times to see other knitted creations.

Happy Friday!